Alexander Frederick SANDERSON


Birth date: 26th Apr 1882
Birth place: Port Augusta West, South Australia
Death date: 20th Sep 1945
Death place: Port Augusta, South Australia
Married: Augusta Ellen MADLAND
   Clement SANDERSON
   Douglas SANDERSON
   Dorothy SANDERSON


Advertiser (Adelaide, SA)
May 3 1951

At 6 pm. on Saturday, Elaine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Saint, will marry Leslie, son of Mrs. A. F. Sanderson, of Port Augusta, and the late Mr. A. F. Sanderson, in All Saints' Cathedral, Port Augusta.

Transcontinental (Port Augusta, SA)
May 18 1951

Afternoon Wedding at All Saints Church

All Saints Church, Port Augusta, was beautifully decorated with tulle and cellophane bows, centred with a tiny posy of pink and cream flowers attached to the seats for the guests by Mrs. Stuart Holland, of Quorn, and Mrs. J. Barrett of Queensland, for the wedding on the afternoon of Saturday, May 5. of Elaine, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Saint, of Fort Augusta, and Leslie, eldest son of Mrs. and the late Mr. A.F. Sanderson of Port Augusta West. The Very Rev. Father J.J. Prendergast officiated.

The bride, who was escorted into the church by her father, was gowned in a beautiful frock of pearl tinted magnolia slipper satin. The low round neckline of the bodice was defined by two rows of plaited satin caught on the left side with a cluster of orange blossom. The long, tight fitting sleeves were pointed over the wrists and the very full skirt gathered at the waistline, fell from two wide inverted pleats at the back to a very long, full train. The magnolia tinted tulle veil, which was edged with wide chantilly lace from her mother's wedding dress, fell to knee length in handkerchief points, and was held in place by a tiara of frangipanni, deep cream chrysanthemums, and pale pink rosebuds. She carried a large horseshoe shaped bouquet, the frame of which was carried by her mother on her wedding day. It consisted of deep cream gladioli around the outside edge, shading to pale pink towards the centre, and had trails of matching flowers.

The bride's sister-in-law, Patricia Saint, of Broken Hill, was matron of honour, and Miss Dorothy Sanderson was bridesmaid. They wore classic gowns of rose pink heavily corded faille. The tightfitting bodices were sleeveless with narrow shoulder straps, and shoulder capes edged with ruching, which also defined the front pointed waistlines. The skirts were full circles, ballerina length in front, gradually lengthening from the sides to form long trains at the back. Their skull caps were of silver lame with pink gladioli forming a cluster on the left side, and narrowing to wards the front. Shower bouquets of pink gladioli were carried. They wore long above-the-elbow length pink silk gloves and silver shoes.

Mr. Colin Greenfield was best man and Mr. Eugene Saint, of Broken Hiil, was groomsman. Mrs. Cyril Moran presided at the organ and during the signing of the register, Mr. C. Moran sang "Ava Maria". As the bride left the church, an ornamental horseshoe was hung on her arm by her aunt, Mrs. E. McMahon and little Miss Glennice Greenfield hung a cluster of golden wishbones.

The bride's mother wore a frock of black silk crepe with touches of blue, under a light wool pleated aqua blue coat. Her black shiny straw hat was wreathed across the front with blue flowers and a shoulder spray of cream and blue fiowers was also worn. Mrs. Sanderson, mother of the groom, was present in a selt patterned woollen frock in a soft shade of green, with trimmings of brown. A brown hat and autumn toned shoulder spray were worn.

A reception was held at the Town Hall Supper Room. The tables were decorated with low bowls of pastel coloured flowers, and large bowls of pink dahlias were dotted around the rocm and in window boxes. Mr. Cyril Moran announced the guests, who were received by the parents and bridal party.

A beautifully decorated wedding cake took pride of place in front of the bride and bridegroom. It consisted of three storeys of hearts, decorated in a lacey design. Rev. Fr. Prendergast officiated and the usual toasts were honored. A large and beautiful display of wedding preeents was admired by the guests. Mr. Ron Till was pianist during the reception and a musical programme, with Mrs. Moran as accompaniste, was much appreciated. Those contributing were Mrs. V. Sanderson, Mrs. A. Dighton, Mr. J. McKnight, Mr. C. Moran and Mr. C.J. Saint. Later, the bride and bridegroom left on their honeymoon, which is being spent at Victor Harbour. The bride's travelling frock was of dove grey president cloth. The bodice had a U shaped yoke of blue net appliqued in grey, and a deep band surrounding the yoke was of grey appliqued in blue. A close fit ting blue grossgrain hat with spikey trimmings, and a light weight blue flared coat was also worn. Grey snakeskin shoes and bag, and a shoulder spray of pink carnations completed the outfit. Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson will make their home at Port Augusta.

Advertiser (Adelaide, SA)
Oct 8 1943

Girl Cyclist Killed
PORT AUGUSTA, October 7.
Joan Sanderson. 16. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Sanderson, of Port Augusta West, died in hospital this afternoon from injuries sustained when she was involved in a collision with another cyclist, Hugh Keith McCrea, railway employee.

Transcontinental (Port Augusta, SA)
Oct 22 1943

MR. and MRS. A. F. SANDERSON, of Port Augusta West, wish to thank all kind friends and relatives for floral tributes, cards, telegrams and personal expressions of sympathy and the many acts of kindness shown in the sad and sudden loss of their beloved daughter and sister, Joan. Will all please accept this as our personal thanks.

Transcontinental (Port Augusta, SA)
Dec 24 1943

LEADING Aircraftsman L. Sanderson, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Sanderson, of Port Augusta West, spent a few days in his home town last week. He has been posted to a South Australian RAAF station.

Transcontinental (Port Augusta, SA)
Aug 18 1944

Afternoon Wedding

A pretty and popular wedding was celebrated at Christ Church, Port Augusta West, on the afternoon of Monday, July 24, when Mavis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Sanderson, of Port Augusta West, was married to Allan (RAAF), eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Price, of Port Augusta. Rev. R. F. Steele officiated. The bride, who entered the church on the arm of her brother, Clem, wore a frock of white lace, kindly loaned by Mrs. J. Hogan. She was attended by Miss Shirley Ford (cousin of the bridegroom), who chose a frock of blue embossed silk. Mr. L. Smith supported the bride groom. The happy couple left by train for Adelaide later in the day. For travelling, the bride chose a grey jacket suit with brown accessories.

Advertiser (Adelaide, SA)
June 11 1954

The engagement is announced of Lois Margaret, youngest daughter of Mrs. H. F. Wood. Whyalla Launceston, Tas. to Clement Charles, second son of Mrs. and the late Mr. A. F. Sanderson, of Port Augusta West.

Chronicle (Adelaide, SA)
Apr 21 1949

Elaine, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Saint, of Fort Augusta, to Leslie, eldest son of Mrs. and the late Mr. A. F. Sanderson, Port Augusta West.

Civic Record of South Australia 1936
Page 364

(First Town Clerk, Corporation of Port Augusta West.) Mr. Sanderson was the first Town Clerk for Port Augusta West Corporation and held office for about 24 years.

Page 358
COUNCILLORS - Port Augusta

William Stirling Craddock, 1921 to 1923;
Henry James McBeath, 1921 to 1923; Edward Ernest Hanrahan, 1921 to 1923;
V. S. L. Sanderson, 1922 to 1924;
Duncan McSporran, 1922 to 1924;
Warren Back, 1922 to 1924;
Sidney James Kirwan, 1923;
Howden Clarence Reiss, 1923 to 1925;
Sidney James Kirwan, 1923 to 1925;
Alexander Frederick Sanderson, 1923 to 1925;
Warren Back, 1924 to 1926;
Duncan McSporran, 1924 to 1926;
E. V. Lethliridge, 1924 to 1926;
Alexander Frederick Sanderson, 1925 to 1927;
Sidney James Kirwan, 1925 to
1927; Frederick Collin Dighton, 1925 to 1927; Warren Back,
1926 to 1928; James Michael Beerworth, 1926 to 1928;
William Brett, 1926 to 1928;
Alexander Frederick Sanderson, 1927 to 1929;
Frederick Collin Dighton, 1927 to 1929;
Sidney James Kirwan, 1927 to 1929;
Albert Harris, 1928 to 1930;
Lindsay Mallett Sanderson, 1928 to 1930;
Warren Back, 1928 to 1930;
Sidney James Kirwan, 1929 to 1931;
Frederick Collin Dighton, 1929 to 1931;
Alexander Frederick Sanderson, 1929 to 1931;
Leslie Ruston Barber, 1930 to 1932;
Timothy Patrick McInerney, 1930 to 1932;
Warren Back, 1930 to 1932;
Joseph William Parker, 1930 to 1931;
Sidney John Seery, 1931;
Alexander Frederick Sanderson, 1931.

Amalgamated Councils.

Oliver James Young, 1932 to 1934;
Lindsay Gordon Riches, 1932 to 1934;
Lindsay Mallett Sanderson, 1932 to 1934;
Archibald Sydney Ruston Hobby, 1932 to 1934;
George Sutherland Smith McAuley, 1932 to 1934;
William Harden, 1933 to 1935;
Lucas Barkia Coats, 1933 to 1935;
Warren Back, 1933 to 1935;
John William Fullerton, 1933 to 1935;
Michael Arthur Gardiner, 1933 to 1935;
George Ernest Haddy, 1935 to 1937;
Lindsay Gordon Riches, 1935 to 1937;
Thomas Charles Chinnery, 1935 to 1937;
Archibald Sydney Ruston Hobby, 1935 to 1937;
George Sutherland Smith McAuley, 1935 to 1937;
William Barrett Holdsworth, 1936.